METAMORPHOSIS | • opening Saturday June 1, 2024 at 5 pm • guided tour Saturday June 15, 2024 at 8 pm

We cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition


which will take place at the Hollar Gallery (Smetanovo nábřeží 6, Prague 1)

Saturday 1 June 2024 at 5 pm

• exhibition term: 2 June – 30 June 2024 | Tue-Sun 10-12 13-18
• guided tour: Saturday 15 June 2024 at 8 pm with Pavel Piekar within 17. PRAGUE MUSEUM NIGHT AT 20:00 PM

• Curators of the exhibition: Dimitra Koumantaki and Pavel Piekar

• Exhibitors:
Angelopoulos Christos, Annitsakis Odysseas, Anoussi-Ilia Eirini, Antoniadi Irene, Arvanitis Zacharias, Valery Antigone, Vasilakou Argyri, Gialama Bassiliki, Dervisoglou Eleni, Drogossi Tania,Katsadiotis Christophoros, Kalamakidou Korina, Kompatsiari Maria, Kotsaris Michalis, Koumantaki Dimitra, Konstantakou Anastasia, Kotsiou Dina, Mavrodoglou Valentini, Mavroeidi Vanta, Machairidi Efstratia, Monogios Ioannis, Bakalou Alexandra, Benaki Polytim, Bizou Alexandra, Blioumi Lia, Xanalatos-Xilas Iris, Papadopoulou Natalia, Papadopoulou Sofi, Patrikiou Stefania, Petropoulou Mimi, Pristouris Panagiotis, Provata Elena, Provatidou Marina, Rokos Stefanos, Sarelakou Roubina, Siaterli Dimitra, Stavrakantonakis Nikos, Schina Mary, Touzloukof Vanessa, Falkonis Michail, Attwood Judy, Pandolfini Pino, Kotsiras Aggelos, Riva Athanasia, Spiliotopoulou Angie, Taralli Antonia, Rubi Vassiliki, Kevrekidis Georgios, Papastergiou George, Gkiatas Nikos, Anagnostatos Eleni/Elessa, Chamakou Eleni, Moniaki Katerina, Syrou Bessi, Malama Chrysanthi

The Association of Greek Graphic Artists is a non-profit organization founded in 1987 by a group of renowned Greek graphic artists. Today it has more than 70 members, printmakers who work with different techniques and research the latest trends in printmaking and guide the development of contemporary Greek printmaking. As part of the ongoing partnership between Greek and Czech printmakers and in collaboration with the Czech Centre of Athens, an exhibition of the Union of Greek Printmakers will be held in Prague. A collection of 71 works by 55 printmakers will be on display at the Hollar Gallery from 1 to 30 June. In line with this year’s tribute to Kafka and in a desire to honour the host nation, the exhibition carries the theme “Metamorphosis, Approaches to Kafka”. The contributing artists have created works that draw inspiration from this theme. Their approaches are an attempt at personal interpretation and dialogue with Kafka’s work, which is still relevant as it refers to and comments on the eternal human predicament.

Dimitra Koumantaki, curator of the exhibition

We look forward to meeting you!



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