Contemporary Slovak serigraphy from the collections of the International Serigraphic Symposium Ostrava 2014-2022
• opening Wednesday 1.2.2023 at 17:00 in Hollar Gallery
• curatorial team: Tereza Tomešová, Zbyněk Janáček, Marek Sibinský
• Exhibition term: 2.2.-26.2.2023
The exhibition will present conceptual and post-conceptual tendencies that are present in the contemporary graphic works of Slovak artists. Screen prints by all generations of visual artists from Slovakia and guests from the Czech Republic and Kazakhstan will be exhibited. The prints will be borrowed from the ISSO collections of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ostrava.
Igor Benca, Patrik Ševčík, Róbert Makar, Róbert Jančovič, Róbert Jančovič Jr, Oľga Moravcová, Michala Gorbunová, Rudolf Sikora, Andrea Uváčiková, Peter Cvik, Monika Poljaková, Pavla Hrdlíková Pádivá, Eva Moflárová, Stano Ondruš, Josef Jankovič and guests Eduard Ovčáček and Kateřina Makar Václavková from the Czech Republic and Alina Yessimbekova from Kazakhstan.